Be Bold, Be True, Be Kind, Be You


Omicron Delta is honored to announce its next Awareness Focus dedicated to our nurses. 
All of our leaders and committees are coming together to virtually connect, share, and support each other. 
Each Wednesday at 5pm Pacific time, you are welcome to connect with us.


Omicron Delta is honored to announce this year's Call to Action ... As caregivers, nurses are called to nurture, protect and heal.
  "Never doubt that NURSES can change the world."

Be BOLD; As nurses, let’s raise our voices together to influence decisions.
Be TRUE; Know and believe in yourself. Trust who you are and what you believe.
Be KIND; Strive to be helpful, honest, encouraging, and considerate.
Be YOU; Have the courage to follow your heart, Be open and sincere.

We care and we are here for you!  Throughout this time, each Wednesday at 5pm Pacific time, we will be hosting Zoom chats, sharing free Continuing Education through Sigma resources, sharing in our "No Book" Book Club, and hosting a virtual service project. Our leaders are here for discussions and mentoring.  The interaction and getting to know one another has been inspiring. 
We would love to welcome you and even have some of you meet each other for the first time. 
With deep gratitude for all you are and all you do...