Omicron Delta is honored to announce its next Awareness Focus dedicated to our nurses. 
All of our leaders and committees are coming together to virtually connect, share, and support each other. 
Each Wednesday at 5pm Pacific time, you are welcome to connect with us.

Simple yet powerful message. 

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you look at it. The world is an amazing place; full of hope, promise, and possibilities. Celebrating what’s right with the world and, focusing on the positive, you will find the energy to fix what's wrong.  Our world is ever-changing.  Cherish what is truly important and always strive to be your best, not only for yourself but for others as well.
Be inspired to see the world in a new light... 
Maya Angelou said it best, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."     

We care and we are here for you!  Throughout this time, each Wednesday at 5pm Pacific time, we will be hosting Zoom chats, sharing free Continuing Education through Sigma resources, sharing in our "No Book" Book Club, and hosting a virtual service project. Our leaders are here for discussions and mentoring.  The interaction and getting to know one another has been inspiring. 
We would love to welcome you and even have some of you meet each other for the first time. 
With deep gratitude for all you are and all you do... 

Click below for webinar recording   
How nurses are portrayed (eg. the show “Nurses”) realism   Has COVID made a difference? 

Come to the February 3rd No Book Book Club where the conversation will be on the portrayal of Registered Nurses in the media. We will hear Dr. MarySue Heilemann present “Reshaping the Image of Nursing in the Media.” Dr. Heilemann explores the portrayal of nurses over time. We will start at 20:17 to hear Dr. Heilemann present portrayals of nurses in the media. I hope that you will find the presentation thought provoking, as I did, to start a conversation about what we as nurse leaders can do to ensure that Registered Nurses are accurately portrayed in the media.
Click the following link to preview the full presentation:
To learn more about Dr. Heilemann, follow this link https://www.nursing.ucla.edu/about-us/faculty-directory/marysue-v-heilemann

Did you Know?
The Truth About Nursing
Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk
Click below for webinar recording      
Professional Identity in Nursing: Background & Introduction: What is it, State of the Science
Professional Identity in Nursing is a “sense of oneself, and in relationship with others, that is influenced by characteristics, norms, and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting, and feeling like a nurse.”  
Click below to link to course video                    Obtaining CE instructional video           


This session will discuss the development an action plan for naming and shaping professional identity formation in nursing practice, education and policy that includes competencies, essential elements, and exemplars to foster professional identity formation in nursing based on the best available evidence.  
CNE hours: 1

CE Chat ... Professional_Identiity_in_Nursing.pdf